



国际环境保护行动导致了研究工作的强化臭氧和全球变暖安全制冷技术的发展。近年来,越来越多的关注正在给在激励中使用余热和太阳能制冷系统。太阳能制冷和空调在过去二十年一直非常有吸引力,因为阳光和需要制冷的可用性达到最大水平在同一季节。本文致力于发展的热驱动单效应,无阀的吸附冰箱使用活性炭和甲醇吸附对由太阳能驱动的,非常便携。活性炭和甲醇吸附制冷过程的最佳合适的一对。还制冷剂(甲醇)臭氧损耗为零的潜力和非常低的全球变暖的潜力。因此,冰箱是环保的。因为没有阀门涉及成本将减少。没有移动部件参与系统。我们的目标是开发一个负担得起的、健壮的冰箱使用被动式太阳能能源来维持温度的水从5°C到10°C。 COP of system is between 0.12 to 0.15. The refrigeration thus produced could be utilized for cooling water required for different domestic and industrial purposes. The mechanism, if extended, can produce further low temperatures also. Previous work on solar refrigerator has demonstrated the feasibility of the system. Work till date on such type of refrigerator shows various different pairs can be used as adsorbate-adsorbent for carrying out cooling effect but still so much scope is there for research. Because COP of such systems and temperature achieved by them is far away from the need of current era of refrigeration.

Nilesh t . Dhokane Savita Shinde, m . v . Nagarhalli博士
