



在目前的情况下在全球范围内能源危机是一个严重的问题。保护全球环境和维护生态平衡,节约能源是最重要的问题之一观点的燃料消耗。因此,至关重要的是,我们应该努力为废热回收通过重要的和具体的工作。废热回收能量守恒的小时的需要。本文研究的主要目的是研究和分析的可行性改造废热回收系统热水的一代。尝试恢复被热空调系统中使用一个工厂。废热用于生产热水锅炉给水。需求与供应和存储要求是未遂。这样一个系统可以制作在工厂的车间,可以进行初步的实验。本研究将集中在这样一个系统是技术上可行,经济上可行。 Waste heat is the heat which is produced in a process by combustion of fuel or exothermic chemical reaction and then rejected into the environment even though it can still be utilized for some useful and economic purpose. In most general case, waste heat is the energy associated with the waste streams of air, gases and liquid leaving the boundaries of a plant, section or building and lost to the environment. Waste heat which is rejected from a process at a temperature sufficiently higher then ambient air temperature permits the recovery of energy for some useful purpose in an economical manner. The essential quality of heat recovered is not the amount but it’s “Value”. The strategy of recovery of this heat not only depends on temperature of waste heat sources but also on the economics involved behind the technology used.

Rakesh Jain, Devendra Dandotiya,阿布贾殷
