Issn: e 2347-226x, p 2319-9857
养分的配置和施肥量是作物获得最大产量所要考虑的重要因素。特别深的养分放置可能有利于作物生长。与播散相比,深施P和深施K能增加早期生长。氮、磷和钾的施用方法通常被发现在土壤顶部撒播有效,而且它也受灌溉水量的影响。通常施肥。很多时候,直肥被用作营养来源。为了控制这些高可溶性肥料的损失,建议分施,特别是尿素。然而,磷钾的全部量基本在播种时施用。由于其溶解度和动力学的变化,添加的营养物质在不同的土壤中以不同的速度对植物有效。为了达到预期产量,需要一种综合技术,能够有效利用添加的养分和灌溉水。 Other than crop improvement aspects, this would be possible by switching over to nutrient management that employs methods like deep placement of fertilizer nutrients. Deep placement if can be done with simple tools and incidentally aim in the reduction in labour requirement then farmers can prefer to adopt easily. The literature pertaining to methods of fertilizer application on nutrient availability, response of maize and other crops to applied nutrients and nutrient use efficiency are reviewed.
K Radhika, S Hemalatha, S Maragatham和S Praveena Kathrine