



教学领导越来越关注这些天,因为它直接连接到学校的基本活动。尽管大多数研究认为教学领导力对一所学校的成功很重要,学校管理者通常忽视它。结果,该研究的目的是探讨教学领导力实践、障碍和福利在亚的斯亚贝巴的私立学校。研究的目标是满足采用描述性调查方法。200名教师,100年100年部门主管校长、副校长和100年的私立学校十subcities参与了调查。完全,500受访者参与。研究参与者使用简单随机抽样技术和可用的选择。问卷调查被用来收集信息在关键教学领导力实践,障碍,和福利。由哈林舞和Murphey调查工具,校长教学领导评定量表(PILRS),被研究者修改和使用。分析和解释获得的数据从这些受访者,百分比,意思是,标准偏差,意味着排名了。 Quantitative values were identified with an average mean scores ranging from 1.00-2.49 for low, 2.50- 3.49, 3.50-4.49, and 4.50-5.00 for moderate, high, and very high, respectively. In addition to the questionnaire, a systematic open-ended eight-item interview was used to obtain data from the ten sub-city respondents. According to the data finding, instructional leaders' duties in communicating school goals, overseeing and assessing teaching, monitoring school achievement, protecting instructional time, maintaining high visibility, and promoting professional development are all at moderate and high. On the other side, curriculum coordination, teacher incentives, and student incentives are all high. In private schools in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, instructional leadership approaches appear to be moderate, according to the finding.

