ISSN在线(2278 - 8875)打印(2320 - 3765)
电力消耗的计费过程,目前我们使用的是非常漫长的过程,需要大量的人力。印度的能源账单是容易出错的。将每一个消费者的房子和生成账单是一个费力的任务,需要大量的时间。错误得到了每个阶段的能量计费错误机电米一样,人为错误,同时注意仪表读数和错误处理账单和支付账单。在许多情况下,支付账单,然后显示为一个是由于量在接下来的法案。没有合适的办法知道消费者的最大需求,使用细节,盗窃损失额度和力量。如果消费者不付账,操作员需要去他们的房子断开电源。这些过程是重复的,花那么多时间。为克服所有的困难出现在我们正在引入的系统完全自动计费系统即“预付电力计费使用自适应计”。摘要电子能量计被自适应计包括电力消耗计量和预付费系统。 In the proposed system, front end is user friendly. The billing process is prepaid energy billing, which could be titled; Pay first and then use it. The power consumption is not constant throughout the day; it is more during peak times and less during night times. This system also implements an automated system which can charge different amounts for power consumption during different times. The prepaid system is designed with a smart technology using “renesas controller” and the recharging process is by some method of communication i.e. the GSM based recharging. The recharging can be done from any remote place without accessing the energy meter physically.
Santhosh Raikar打烊,Sushma Majigoudar, Rithushree K, Venkatesh K V Rohith R, R