



花卉栽培正成为有利可图业务在世界的许多地方。美国、欧洲和日本账户两个第三世界花卉栽培的贸易。业务也越来越在一些州的印度。阿萨姆邦是一个小州位于北印度的东部地区。美国在这一地区花卉栽培业务增长的有利因素。花是成为一个受欢迎的生产和销售业务的阿萨姆邦和印度的北东部地区。当然,花卉栽培业务还处于婴儿阶段。Hajo,卫星镇下Kamrup区已成为著名的花卉栽培中心企业在阿萨姆邦。花卉栽培已经成为一些家庭的主要职业Hajo区域。在2016年的调查在选定的村庄Hajo圆,这是发现,花卉栽培的生意在这北东部地区具有良好的前景和阿萨姆邦。 It was also found that the farmers and sellers of flower and flower product face different types of problems in different stages. Flowers and flower made products have high demand in north eastern states including Assam. If the problems of farmers and sellers are addressed properly, floriculture can be developed as a good source of income in this region and thus the states can get relive from burning problem of unemployment. The present paper is an attempt to enquire about the problems faced by the farmers and sellers of flower and flower products.

Amarendra Kalita *
