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Prolonged Effects of an Anti-Alzheimers Drug, Galantamine Hydrobromide on Morphometric and Behavioural Aspects of Albino Mice


The present study, emphasises the prolonged effects of an anti-Alzheimer’s drug, Galantamine Hydrobromide, on Morphometric and Behavioural aspects of albino mice in the absence of the disease, AD. One month old male albino mice, Mus musculus (20±2g) were selected as experimental model and Galantamine Hydrobromide as the test drug. The ED50 for GHB was evaluated and was found to be 5mg/kg body weight. This effective dose was given to Experimental groups of mice once in a day up to 180 days continuously. Observations on the general growth aspects such as weight and size and also changes in the behavior pattern of both control and experimental mice were recorded with help of Morris water maze technique. The results on Morphometric aspects revealed that the experimental mice recorded a steady and continuous gain in the body weight with maximum weight (22.15%) gained on 150th day. However, after 150th day, the experimental mice started losing their body weights gradually up to 180th day. As a corollary to these morphometric changes, maximum elevation in performance was noticed on 150th day (56.69%). From then onwards, there was a gradual decline in the performance of the mice. In view of these observations, it was concluded that the memory enhancing drugs meant for treatment of Alzheimer’s disease or any formulated health drinks containing chemicals mimicking the memory enhancing drugs should not be consumed in any form by normal people in general and by young children in particular for a long time for improvement of their cognitive skills.

Borra Nirmala Kumari and Kuna Yellamma

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