



介绍:泌尿系结核(20%)是一种常见的肺外结核,肾脏、输尿管、膀胱或生殖器官通常涉及。前列腺结核已变得越来越普遍的职业病人。然而,它可能是很少发现作为一个孤立的immune-competent患者的病变。病例报告:42年oldnon糖尿病男性面对c / o燃烧排尿,减肥(2月4公斤),且在过去的2个月。他没有其他公司的发病率或免疫缺陷。之前没有h / o攻击力和接触。雷竞技网页版BCG接种疫苗。直肠指诊显示前列腺结节。实验室调查显示ICTC——消极;PSA 2.23 ng / ml(正常< 1.3)。他尿空军基地(3样本)缺席和尿液文化没有增长。CXR——没有异常发现。 USG abdomen and scrotum normal.CT chest showed no parenchymal or mediasternallesion.MRI pelvis showed Multiple T1 and T2 hypointense nodules, largest in the left lobe of the prostrate in the peripheral zone in the mid gland. Trans Rectal Ultrasound (TRUS) guided biopsy was done and HPE shows extensive areas of necrosis and multiple caseating epitheloidgranulomata.Tissue CBNAAT – MTB detected low and rifampicin sensitive. ATT was initiated. Discussion: The Genitourinary tuberculosis represents 20% of all locations of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis. Prostate involvement, especially if it is isolated, is rare. Its incidence is estimated at 6.6% of the urogenital tuberculosis.It can be primary or secondary to epididymal tuberculosis or bladder. The hematogenous spreading is one of the common way contaminations. This infection is promoted by some immunosuppressive diseases such as AIDS and taking of corticosteroid and chemotherapy. The clinical signs of lower urinary tract obstruction such as dysuria, urinary frequency and perineal heaviness can be observed. Dig斜体字直肠检查可以享受前列腺肿大,弹性一致性,公司或石质或结节性在我们的案例中。肺结核的前列腺癌的可能很难区分前列腺癌和慢性前列腺炎时,前列腺是困难的和结节性直肠指诊和结核杆菌的尿液是负的。在许多情况下,结核病的诊断前列腺炎是由病理学家,或疾病经尿道切除术后偶然发现尽管孤立前列腺结核的发病率是罕见的疾病,前列腺结核应该承担作为即使在免疫活性的前列腺炎的鉴别诊断。因此,Transrectal超声引导下前列腺穿刺活检结核病分子测试可以产生一个可靠的诊断并且推荐的首选诊断方法。


