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Real-Time Atomization of Agricultural Environment for Social Modernization of Indian Agricultural System Using Arm 7


The paper Real time automization of agricultural environment for social modernization of Indian agricultural system usesARM7 and GSM'and is focused on automizing the irrigation system for social welfare of Indian agricultural system. Using this system the condition of the field can be sensed with help of sensors; the related information is displayed on LCDand transmitted to former/user. The project is implemented by using advanced processor ARM7TDMI which is a 32 bitmicrocontroller, GSM serves as an important part as it is responsible for controlling the irrigation on field and sends information to the receiver through coded signals. GSM operates through SMSs and is the link between ARM processor and centralized unitsystem with microcontroller. The 16X2 LCD display is used to read the condition of the field at workstation itself.

Prabha, Tanujabai J.M, S. Krupesh

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