ISSN: 2347 - 7830
用后回收的材料是可持续发展的必然要求。它可以防止自然资源的消耗和保护环境。行业从事回收生产消费的文章从较低的废弃物或没有环境污染,同时,提供就业机会。因此,发达国家和发展中国家通过激励和立法鼓励是相同的。这是更多的有关印度一半的人口从事农业,占不到GDP的20%。低于65%年龄在35岁以上的人口增长率在1.58% p.a.应该到2030年达到15.3亿。赚钱的这个巨大的劳动力增长只能通过建立制造业最好是适合农村地区。纸的现代生活,它是一种常见的商品消费增长与改善和改变生活方式。这是一个最喜欢的媒介为包装的商品批发和零售交付。包装被丢弃后,曾多次的目的和处理国内和其他废弃物造成土地,水和空气污染。 Manufacture of Packaging Paper and Board from reclaimed waste papers is an industry which is well suited for developing countries due to high growth potential and other aspects like lower investment, lower operating cost etc. While in some countries a lot of importance has been given to collection and recycling of used paper, the same is not true for many developing countries. Hence, the reasons for this lower rate of recycling and the Socio – economic benefits of producing paper from used packaging have been discussed in this article.
Mahanti JC