



六价铬是有毒、致癌可能诱变和高度可溶。铬的危害包括肺癌和喉癌。由于铬是一种重要的重金属用于各种工业过程,它发现在工业废水造成致命的环境危害。铬对人体健康的影响和环境的关注。铬(VI)的修复受污染的水带来了技术和经济挑战,作为传统的方法往往过于昂贵,难以操作。因此,当务之急是铬(VI)被移除受污染的水通过使用新材料。NZVI粒子被认为是一种重要的还原剂铬(VI),将相同的转换为非有毒铬(III)。NZVI粒子是由化学还原方法使用氯化铁六水合物(FeCl3.6H2O)与硼氢化钠(NaBH4)。去除六价铬使用NZVI粒子作为铬(VI)研究了还原剂的合成废水,含有20 mg / L的六价铬。铬回收批研究表明更好的复苏是实现低pH值和增加溶液的pH值降低。 The optimum removal of the Cr (VI) and metal ions occurred at low pH (pH=3) and at maximum temperature of 250C.Chromium recovery of 99.9% was achieved within 2 min. at pH=3. After treatment, the Cr (VI) concentration was determined by UV–vis spectrophotometer by 1, 5-diphenyl carbazide method. This study demonstrates that NZVI particles have the potential to become an effective agent for the removal of Cr (VI) from synthetic model wastewater. Cleaning up of synthetic waste water has been successfully done by rapid removal of chromium Cr (VI) by NZVI particles from aqueous solution. Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherm were used to explain the phenomena of adsorption.

Naseema Khatoon,阿尔塔夫侯赛因汗Vinay帕沙克,Neeraj Agnihotri说,Masihur拉赫曼
