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JSC“化肥和Insectofungicides研究所教授命名的y Samoilov”(JSC“NIUIF”),最古老(成立于1919年9月)面向工业学院在俄罗斯,近年来开发了大量的创新技术。这些技术允许生产废物回收,提高自然资源消费的效率,减少对环境的负面影响。特别是技术包括:1。一个创新,资源节约的联合处理过程浪费生产湿法磷酸(WPA) -磷石膏和氟硅酸(FSA)为硫酸铵同时不使用石灰中和氟化合物。这项技术目前正在实施的一个大型俄罗斯植物。2。水渍险技术提高了磷酸dihydrate-hemihydrate方法与各种类型的原材料。这项技术可以使用自然磷酸原料更有效和充分,和处理生产废料——磷石膏石膏粘结剂和水泥由于杂质含量较低。实施这项技术在很多俄罗斯和外国工厂现在正在考虑之中。3所示。 Innovative, no-analogue technology of slow-release granular PK-, PKS-, NPKS-fertilizers. This technology allows to process a number of wastes and by-products: conversion chalk, phosphogypsum, sludge from sodium tripolyphosphate production, etc. The technology was successfully implemented in 2014 at one of the Russian plants – JSC Metakhim (Volkhov, Leningrad Region). All listed environmental technologies are protected by Russian and Eurasian patents. JSC “NIUIF” continues to work on compound use of natural resources and reducing the environmental impact. Biography: Andrey Norov was born on 26 April 1957 in Russia (USSR). Upon graduating from Mendeleev’s University of Chemical Technology in Russia, for over 25 years Mr. Norov had been working at Mineral Fertilizers Plants. Since April 2007 he has been working for JSC “NIUIF”, at the present moment his job title is Industrial Technology Director. Mr. Norov has got Ph.D. in Engineering Science. He is an Honorable Chemist of the Russian Federation, he also has got governmental and industry-related awards. Mr. Norov is an author of 73 research articles and publications and 27 patents in the field of phosphorus-containing fertilizers technology. Mr. Norov took part as a speaker in 21 international conferences and symposiums

