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Review on Effect of Essential Oil on Vase Life of Cut Flowers


Longer vase life of cut flowers is preferred in flower cultivation and marketing as good quality trait for retailers and consumers. Longevity of flower shelf life has been influenced by various biotic and a biotic factors. It can be improved using different preservatives substances. Natural essential oils widely evaluated among which Thyme, Rosemary, Geranium, Mint, Eucalyptus, Ajowan, Savory, Coriander, Dill and Artemisia include some of the aromatic plants used for production of the extracts. For instance, Thyme essential oil was tested and positive responses were reported in case of Lisianthus, Gerbera, Narcissus, chrysanthemum, Alstroemeria, and carnation cut flowers vase life longevity. It was reported as vase life of Carnation cut flower improved by essential oil obtained from Artemisia, Rosemary, Coriander, and Dill. Rosemary and Peppermint essential oils suggested as they can be used in prolonging Alstroemeria cut flowers vase life. Most studies reported usefulness of essential oils for floriculture as noble alternative substitute to other silver and chemical compounds because of their antimicrobial activities and environmental friendly nature of the extracts. Different scientific findings on application of essential oil on vase life of cut flowers reviewed in this paper.

Dejene Tadesse Banjaw

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