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人类植物学是一门研究人们之间的关系,植物和环境相关,解释了人们特定的文化和宗教知识利用药用植物。人类植物学是第一次提到这个词在1895年约翰有口头的。从古代,植物来源中占有至关重要的人类和牲畜疾病的预防和治疗。历史的传统药用植物的使用在中国早在公元前5000年到4000年。传统药物是用来保持健康和预防、诊断和治疗身心疾病不同于对抗疗法。原住民知识是技术知识的积累、文化实践中,传统知识、规则、标准、技能和心理定势的结果多年来治疗不同的人类和动物疾病。传统医学是知识的积累和实践社区的药用植物用于诊断的牲畜和人类健康问题。传统的卫生工作者通常分为:中药师,骨setter,传统的助产士,精神治疗师,占卜和魔术师,精神病学家和传统草药卖家和精神治疗师。药用植物用于埃塞俄比亚构成887种植物和药用植物26日是土著。有最有效的药用植物物种识别和记录在埃塞俄比亚,用于治疗人类疾病和动物不同。 Around 1000 medicinal plant species are identified in the Ethiopian flora, but, many others medicinal plant species are not yet identified. About 90% of livestock population in Ethiopia relies on treatment of medicinal plants for primary health care. Ethnoveterinary medicine provides traditional medicines, which are locally available and refers to traditional animal health care knowledge and practices to prevent and treat diseases encountered by livestock. The wood lands, montane vegetation including grassland, forests and the evergreen scrubs and rocky areas contain more medicinal plants this indicated that traditional medicinal plant species are not uniformly distributed throughout the country. In-situ conservation is the methods of conserved medicinal plant species and protecting them in their natural habitat by the conservation of their ecosystem and natural habitats. Some of in situ conservation strategies are natural reserves and wild nurseries. Ex-situ conservation is the methods of conserved medicinal plant species and protected endangered medicinal plant species without their natural habitats. Ex-situ conservation strategies are: Gene banks, botanic gardens, seeds banks, field gene banks and tissue culture technique. However traditional medicinal plant resources and their associated indigenous knowledge are declining at an alarming rate, due to ecological shifts; deforestation, urbanization, loss of forests and woodlands, urbanization, over harvesting, agricultural expansion, cultivation of marginal lands and lack of awareness among the community are the critical threats to medicinal plants.

贝克勒Kindie *, Tahir Abdala
