ISSN在线(2278 - 8875)打印(2320 - 3765)
本文是基于一个项目旨在保证行人和乘客的安全在恶劣的驾驶条件。它包括两种不同的技术,以确保车辆和行人的安全。这个项目的核心是单片机接口16。这是一个低功率8位CMOS微控制器基于AVR增强RISC体系结构。从不同的传感器和微控制器接收输入相应调整车辆的性能。系统中使用的各种技术是交通预警系统和防撞系统。所需的交通预警系统传递交通信号的部分。RF发射器固定在路边发出射频信号对应签署董事会。射频接收机的车辆接收这段代码并将其发送给单片机。单片机再对信号进行解码,显示液晶屏的交通信号。 The Anti- Collision Circuit warns the driver when the vehicle is dangerously close to other objects. An IR transmitter-receiver pair is used here. The IR LED emits IR rays which get reflected back after hitting the surrounding objects. These reflected rays are collected by the IR receiver which then sends it to the microcontroller. Microcontroller makes use of this intensity to calculate the distance to the object. It then warns the driver if the object is too close.
专家Sheela约瑟夫,Akhil年代Akhil k . Narayanankutty Amalraj点Aleena保罗·K。