ISSN: E 2347 - 226 x, P 2319 - 9857
农业和农业耕作的农民的主要收入来源德里郊区的农业的贡献作为高资产业务。但是新的创业公司像Khetify不仅设法获得巨额利润也从风险投资家获取资金。德里的农民更愿意传统的耕作方法称为“Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojna”项目下的可持续农业的国家使命(NMS)。德里一直分为集群的村庄;每个组成20公顷或50英亩的土地分别和20 - 50的农民。钱的主要需要农民和刺激工具总是需要的。农民的生存是至关重要的国家的安全与幸福。农民也需要自己的产品的一个合理的市场价格,一个负担得起的劳动力。他们要求储存设施虽然准备支付租金。据估计,多达7000个小城市的农民遍布德里。农业在新德里开始不是一个大问题,而是盈利是艰难的。 However, several awareness programmes like usage of technologies and latest innovative organic methods of farming have been organized by Delhi government and NGOs through workshops to educate the farmers of Delhi city to become entrepreneurs and competent enough to double their income in agricultural farming. Apart from that, the farmers or cultivators in Delhi have been provided with agricultural equipment and subsidy to purchase seeds and they are also trained to prepare bio-fertilizers and herbal spray to protect their crops. All possible efforts are made to prepare good quality, natural many from cow-dune for smooth farming in cost-effective manner for better performance and benefits.