e-ISSN: 2320 - 7949和p-ISSN: 2322 - 0090
开发可靠的焊接牙釉质和牙本质基质不同粘结剂是一种范式转移的一个例子在牙科的练习方式。债券的能力在一个合理的牙釉质和牙本质基质可推断的方法让牙医经常直接和间接修复。事实上,恢复性程序依赖的寿命和可预测性牙医债券成功齿结构的能力。胶粘剂系统发展极大地从它们被首次发现以来,不断演化在过去30年里。尽管粘附界面显著改善,但仍然是最弱的区域的修复,如果暴露于口腔,边际变色,可怜的边缘密封和损失的保留以及微渗漏及复发性龋齿的临床后果。此外,牙釉质和牙本质基质之间的差异对形态学、组织学和组合使键齿结构胶粘剂牙科的主要挑战之一。当前胶系统采用两个主要手段,实现一个可靠的键齿结构。第一种方法被称为腐蚀和冲洗技术。在这种技术中,涂片层完全删除,地下通过蚀刻与酸软化。第二种方法使用涂片层粘合衬底和被称为self-etching胶系统。 These adhesives are attractive as, theoretically, they have the ability to significantly simplify adhesive protocols, eliminate the sensitive step of etch and rinse and may represent the next evolution in adhesive dentistry. However, whether their effectiveness is truly comparable to etchand- rinse system is still an issue of investigation. This review aims to explore existing literature and provide information about different adhesive systems, and their protocols, and techniques that have been used to improve the quality of the tooth structure/adhesive interface when self-etching adhesive systems were used. It is useful as it helps dental practitioners with clinical decision during direct restorative procedures. Different types, mechanisms, advantages, disadvantage, morphological evaluation, marginal adaptation leakage and bond strength as well as clinical performance were all reviewed in this paper.
Mashael M·本·哈桑