



如今每当我们说手机在人群中,然后我们不说话,我们大喊大叫,因为大量的干扰和噪声。然而,没有必要尖叫来传达我们的信息和浪费我们的能源了。为此新技术被称为“沉默的声音技术”介绍了结束了噪音污染。沉默的声音技术是一个完美的解决方案为那些失去了声音但想说手机。这是卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院开发的技术,你可以看到它在不久的将来。当使用这项技术时,它检测到每一个嘴唇运动和内部将电脉冲转换成声音信号并发送他们忽视了其他所有周围的噪音。它将是非常有益的人讨厌在手机大声喧哗。“沉默的声音技术”旨在发现嘴唇的每一个动作,将它们转化为声音,这可能帮助那些失去了说话的声音,和让人沉默的电话没有打扰别人。而不是做任何的声音,你的手机会破译运动你的嘴使通过测量肌肉活动,然后转换成语音电话的另一端的人能听到。所以,基本上,它读取我们的嘴唇。 Another important benefit of this technology is that it allows you to communicate to any person in the world as the electrical pulse is universal, it can be converted into any language depending upon the users choice. This technology can be used for languages like English, French & German but not for languages like Chinese because different tones hold different meaning in Chinese language. This new technology will be very helpful whenever a person loses his voice while speaking or allow people to make silent calls without disturbing others, thus now we can speak anything with our friends or family in private without anyone eavesdropping. At the other end, the listener can hear a clear voice. This device works with 99% efficiency, and can been seen in the market in another 5-10 years and once launched it will have a drastic effect and with no doubt it will be widely used.

Shehjar Safaya, Kameshwar沙玛
