ISSN在线(2319 - 8753)打印(2347 - 6710)
在软件工程领域中,软件开发工具具有挑战性的和重要的。在软件项目中人类是很重要的。人力资源主要是必要的。在软件项目中,计划是很重要的。由于软件项目相关的人力资源,人力资源分配是重要的问题。软件项目规划工具必须考虑项目规划以及人力资源分配问题。也可能出现的不确定性因素。在当前方法开发一个基于事件的调度程序和一个蚁群优化。提出系统代表了一个计划任务列表和员工分配矩阵。EBS,项目的开始时间,当资源释放的时间完成任务,和当员工加入或离开该项目被视为事件。 For planning and employee allocation ACO is used. In real world projects the uncertain events can occur. Previous models are not much considering about uncertainty. The uncertainty can be considered as an event in event based scheduler. The existing event based scheduler is modified, to include the uncertain events such as unexpected absence of employee, termination of employee. Such uncertain can be handled in the current system.
Vivek那些Rashmi Nair