Pentatomid bug通常有害人类食用的作物,造成相当大的损失。Chrysocoris stolli寄生于谷类食品植物如前所述Dhiman & Kumar的经济价值。本文的一些行为性的方面这美丽的绿色金属缺陷。研究进行了连续三年(2004年至2006年)期间在实验室和领域。冬眠发生在成年期从11月到2月的行为发生在蛹的阶段而成年人发现孤独的。小仙女仍在一片树叶上聚合。这些女神显示惊人的模仿提供保护的敌人。也观察到成年女性bug仍然附近的小仙女亲代抚育。亲代抚育的发展代表了一个额外的普通突破有机体的适应环境。女性也稀缺的卵和幼虫的拟寄生物踢脚和颤动的翅膀。 For migration, generally local flights are performed in search of food and mate while long flights are taken in absence of food plants. For taking long flights, bugs take position on the plant surface, take out hind wings from beneath the scutellum and then taking leap in the air starts beating its wings. At the new place, on host plant, at first, only few bugs appear which after reproduction starts building population. Over crowding is also a one of the reasons for migration. For copulation, competition was observed between a female and three male. After 15 minutes only one male succeeded for copulation.