ISSN: 2322 - 0066
芦苇芦苇南极光(Cav)。指标Steudel交货(= p .普通的指标)是Kokemaenjoki河三角洲的主要组成部分,芬兰西部一个河口,植被的变化更迅速比任何其他生态系统在欧洲北部。在芦苇的连续性的发展三个阶段的特点的基础上,几十年的随访。生物特征的芦苇,高度,重量和密度的个人芽(无性系分株)进行了测量。在所有的参数研究,标志之间的差异被认为连续性的阶段。芦苇的生长和生产中异常高的南极光研究Kokemaenjoki河三角洲,由于持续的营养供应,和河口的合适的理由。无性系分株的身高和体重都在演替的先锋阶段统计上显著大于在最后,回归阶段。拍摄的平均身高266.5厘米在开拓阶段,在成熟阶段278.4厘米和219.8厘米在回归阶段。身高和体重值在所有三个连续性阶段显著相关。在开拓阶段,然而,无性系分株明显比其他两个更健壮的阶段。 In the density of the monocultural stands, a clear self-thinning trend was seen in all the successional phases, i.e. the number of ramets per unit area is linearly reduced during the growing season. The average density of ramets was 151.9 individuals/m2 at the pioneer stage, 176.9 ind./m2 in the mature stage, and 147.1 ind./m2 in the regressing stage. As a conclusion, the variations between the successional phases in a rather uniform river delta were so notable that a detailed description and characterization of the sample sites is necessary in any analysis of wetland macrophytic vegetation.
Kai Aulio