ISSN: 2319 - 9873
问题的声明:西南印度洋的森林(SWIO)岛屿州大的碳汇。在这些岛屿人口快速增长负责森林砍伐,进而是二氧化碳(CO2)排放的主要来源。SWIO地区碳循环中起着重要的作用。然而,有操作不足长期监测大气化学成分在这一地区。本研究建立并比较二氧化碳的季节性垂直空间分布和表面SWIO岛屿,它还演示了气象的影响和相关的航空运输二氧化碳空间和垂直分布。对比湿南国干燥的春季和夏季季节选择来证明这一点。方法和理论取向:加载三维大气二氧化碳的岛屿SWIO在南国夏季和春季季节建立和比较。对流层二氧化碳测量的数据发射光谱仪(te)光环卫星。混合单粒子拉格朗日综合轨迹(HYSPLIT)大气模型逆向轨迹被用来确定远程航空运输影响SWIO群岛二氧化碳大气各级加载和跟踪的起源气团影响SWIO群岛的气氛。发现:有一种普遍的转移到较高的浓度从夏天到春季和二氧化碳浓度最高的马达加斯加南部在这两个季节。 Long-range air transport from different source regions at the upper atmospheric levels between the 700 and 500 hPa stable layers and the layer above 500 hPa strengthen the inhomogeneity in the vertical distribution of CO2, caused by the decoupling effect of the upper atmosphere stable layers. Recommendations are made for further studies to be undertaken to determine the evolution of atmospheric CO2 distribution in this region. Biography: Xolile Ncipha has his expertise and interest in interrelationship between atmospheric constituents and weather/climate. His background ranges from hydroscopic nuclei cloud seeding rainfall enhancement and air pollution monitoring experiments. He has been exposed to meteorological and atmospheric chemistry observations from ground, airborne and satellite platforms. He is currently developing skills in terrestrial ecosystems carbon cycle observations.
Xolile G Ncipha