e-ISSN: 2319 - 9849
磷从有限的磷矿石的粮食生产和现代农业的基本要素。因此,对于粮食供应的可持续性和发展农业、磷的管理是关键。动物骨骼有高浓度的磷酸盐可以收集并用于化肥生产,但他们需要许多年才能分解和释放磷酸盐。本研究着手准备骨头磷酸浓缩磷酸否则丢弃的动物骨骼。收集动物骨骼(主要是牛骨头),洗涤、干燥和小粒子用锤子坠毁之后他们的轧机。地上的骨头中提取了0.275 H3PO4为4.58米骨phosphate-enriched磷酸溶液。氮是提取空气通过空气加热铜备案,并与锂发生反应形成氮化锂。氮化锂后来被水解成氨的反应与bonephosphate浓缩磷酸生成磷酸氢二铵(NH4) 2 hpo4)肥料。氮的百分比组成(凯氏)磷酸氢二铵被发现17.14% N的磷酸盐被发现44.58% P2O5。磷酸氢二铵的功效在温室种植的番茄决心与商业获得阳性对照为磷酸氢二铵,没有肥料作为消极的控制。 Growth parameters of the tomatoes including plant heights, leaf length, leaf width and root length were obtained over a period of twelve weeks. The results showed that the growth parameters recorded for tomato plants grown with synthesized fertilizer were not significantly different from those recorded for tomato plants grown with commercial fertilizer (p-values = 0.000 <0.05). Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the bone phosphate based fertilizer prepared in this study was as efficacious as the commercial fertilizer. This is a significant finding in that it shows that it shows that animal bones can be converted into readily available phosphatic fertilizer.