



Nosratabad区域位于附近地区和卫星图像块之间的这项研究表明,该地区有着复杂构造的历史。这一领域的变形事件发生上白垩纪至第四纪。发生了这一地区构造演化的四个阶段。第一个构造演化(T.E.1)发生在始新世和之前;式样1是一个俯冲过程,发生在北方的Neotethys海洋。第二个构造事件(T.E.2)发生在上始新世到渐新世,式样2是一个syncollision过程。附近地区块和东部盆地之间的碰撞发生的伊朗。在这个事件的一些tectonistratigraphic单位已添加到这个地区附近地区发生阻塞和抽插。这个阶段与伊朗东部盆地关闭同步。 The third tectonic event (T.E.3) has occurred in the Oligocene to Miocene, it is related to completing of collision event, during of this stage structural unit that had been formed in this area, has added to the Lut block, this event is synchronic with third deformation event. the last event ( T.E.4) has occurred in the Pliocene to Quaternary this stage include post collision event, at first in the Pliocene a transpression basin has been formed and Pliocene sediment has been folded at this time. Then a Trans tension basin has been formed in the Quaternary and the evidence of this event include: Kahurak fault activity and reactivity of Nosratabad fault, also alluvial sediment of Quaternary has been deposited at this time in the study area.

Elham Nabiei和萨曼阿訇

