ISSN: 2347 - 7830
人类之间的关系、生物多样性和生态系统生态的主题,社会和政治利益在过去几十年。野生动物种群趋势跟随变化与人类的干预措施,诸如扩大城市化、伐木、农业、和狩猎。通常人类干扰对野生动物栖息地和野生动物物种的剥削使得野生动物脆弱。本研究旨在评估人类活动对野生动物的负面影响在kimbi-fungom国家公园。数据收集的研究通过铺设3-kilometer横断面不同位置的国家公园。沿着这些横切,人类活动的迹象或存在是看到或听到的记录。研究揭示,重要的人类活动和季节性变化之间的联系,χ2 = 8.182 df = 14 P < 0.05。此外,人类和动物之间的关系活动χ2 df = 70 = 72.290, P < 0.05国家公园内强制关系的反映。此外,观察国家公园有很多人为活动,非常具有挑战性的保护野生动物。人类活动在国家公园中,农业是最著名的13.16%紧随其后的是捕捉野生动物的11.84%。 The conservation management plan of a national park prevents farming and animal killing within the national park area. But in a conservation management system which does not give a provision for alternative farming land and hunting areas for the local inhabitants the tendency for encroachment is highly expected. The unsustainable hunting of wildlife, gathering of nontimber forest resources, and the various forms of crop cultivation in kimbi-fungom national park is raising many conservation questions on the welfare of these resources. The primate ecology, especially the arboreal primate species is so dependent on trees for their survival, hence, crop cultivation and felling of trees has constituted many problems to these animals. Consequently, the primate population may face a serious decline and extirpation if not properly checked and controlled by the conservation authorities. However, this study recommends a sustainable conservation management plan as an ecological remedy.
Melle Ekane莫里斯,Nkwatoh亚大纳西Fuashi,阿莫斯方Zeh, Esong莱昂内尔Ebong, Ngongpan Honourine Mengwi和福楼拜的大车。安贝认为吉尔达斯