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The Effect of Storage Temperature and Duration on the Composition and Bacteriological Quality of Raw Milk


存储的牛奶产量在寒冷的气温a current Tunisian legislation request. However, there is no specification of a limit period for this. The main aim of this study was to assess the effect cold storage and during transport on physicochemical andbacteriologicalquality of milk in the region of Mahdia. An investigation was carried out on 61dairy farmsin which milk was stored for 2, 24 and 48 hours and transported under refrigeration until the center. Moreover, 61 milk samples were analyzed for bacteriological quality, chemical composition and physical parameters. Results showed that at a temperature less than 5°C the average values of TBC and CT were 7.9 105and 2.06 104cfu/ml, respectively and that TBC increases from a temperature ranging from 5 and 7°C to reach an average of 9 105cfu/ml and from a higher temperature (26°C) the TBC and CT were 3.7 106and 3.74 104cfu/ml, respectively. Analysis of variance showed that the physical characteristics (acidity and pH), were significantly affected by length and temperature of storage (P<0.05). The mean value at 26°C is 6.69. For a temperature between 5 and 7°C, pH is 6.7, while for a temperature less than 4°C, the pH is 6.73 and acidity is 15.64 ± 1.04°D. On the other hand, at 26°C, acidity is 15.74 ± 0.73°D. However, no significant effect was noticed of the cold storage and transport on chemical parameters of milk (Fat, protein, lactose and total solid). The mean levels of fat and protein content, lactose and EST are respectively 31.46, 30.69, 49.39 and 114.2 g/l.

Finally, we conclude deterioration in bacteriological quality of the milk after transport.

Naceur M’hamdi*, Rachid Bouraoui, Cyrine Darej, Abir Mahjoub, Lamia Hassayoune, Hajer M’hamdi and Latifa Lanouar

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