ISSN: 2347 - 7830
在大多数发展中国家,农业中发挥着关键作用在一代又一代的贫困农村农民的生计。气候变化预计将破坏农业生产和施加更大的压力很多农民的生计,包括在冈比亚。水稻栽培稻L是主要的饮食食品在冈比亚和冈比亚河作为国家的淡水潮汐水稻灌溉农业的主要来源。冈比亚河盐水入侵的严重影响,实际上威胁该国的主要淡水来源。这一现象归咎于气候变化导致海平面上升加上令人担忧的趋势增加温度和降雨量的减少。因此,水稻种植者谁仅仅依靠来自冈比亚河遇到低潮汐灌溉水稻生产在过去的几年中。盐水入侵显著影响了冈比亚的稻农的生活,这导致了农民不再培养他们的田地在某些情况下。本文回顾盐水入侵的影响在冈比亚水稻种植农民的生计,尤其是对那些参与沼泽水稻种植在冈比亚河。注意到与气候变化增加,冈比亚河的支流将变得更加盐水。盐水入侵将大大影响支流的水的质量,结果将大大减少的生产力不是saline-tolerant的水稻。 As a result of saline-water intrusion in the rice-growing tributaries, food security of the rice-growing farmers in these ecologies is expected to be threatened. This paper recommends series of measures necessary to help farmers adapt to the negative impacts of saline-water intrusion as a result of climate change. These measures include but are not limited to regular monitoring of the salinity of the river and its tributaries, the construction and/or reinforcement of new embankments/dikes that prevent intrusion of salinewater in the rice-growing areas, review government policies that relate to frequency and volume of water that is pumped from the river that could enhance saline-water intrusion in the river, development and provision of saline-tolerant rice cultivars, and increase training support for rice farmers on best cultural and land use practices.
Bagbohouna M 'koumfida