国际辩论回忆录Shaharom侯赛因:Selingkar Kenangan Abadi
写的Shaharom侯赛因,本书展示了如何在马来亚独立之前,教师支撑巫统的政治运动,马来人的行星和API的战斗中。他们也渗透到媒体和干涉报纸。他们表现为作家、诗人和作家。他们尖锐的表达意见,努力和愤世嫉俗的英国殖民主义通过Utusan马来人,议会,瓦尔塔河马来亚、阿哈德瓦尔塔河和瓦尔塔河Jenaka。还发表在他们的手Cendera马塔,Majalah大师和Mashhor马来亚,受欢迎的那段时间。爸爸,阿卜杜勒·加法尔赛义德·纳西尔·伊斯梅尔、Alimun Ahmad Bakhtiar对于,Buyong阿迪勒哈桑Aminurrashid, Senu,咱天,Shaharom侯赛因和更多非常接近苏丹伊德里斯培训。苏丹伊德里斯培训学院和Pejabat珊瑚礁Mengarang比作大学水平没有蓬勃发展[1]。除了苏丹伊德里斯培训学院proton HMY-bookstore,成为代理连接的丹戎马林teacherswith苏加诺,净化,Hamka, Adi Negoro, Md, Yamin Shahrir和褐色Malaka认为在印尼。他们的作品是一个灵感,激发青年教师在马来亚反过来促进写作活动中教师苏丹伊德里斯培训学院。事实上老师和作者的工作是职业生涯最威望和最有影响力的。 Unfortunately most important and interesting story time was not recorded and instead become a conversation among retired teachers and some of the interesting anecdotes. This memoir-style book as less is produced. This is because it is not easy to remember sequences of events that we ever had. Readers must express their sincere appreciation to the author that aware many of his life experiences that can be shared. The content of this book is the author’s own experience for half a century been in five areas, namely since the author started writing (1934-1985). These areas are education and literacy, language and literature, history, culture particular in drama and politics.