



大脑能够详细说明和执行不同的信息处理阶段。然而,如何处理这些阶段在大脑中仍然是未知的。发现P300与事件相关电位(ERP)刺激大脑记录方法的使用来评估人类认知。P300波被认为反映了信息处理级联与注意力和记忆力有关机制。是一个积极的P300波偏转在人类活动相关的潜力。P300波在一个古怪的范式通常引起话题检测目标刺激偶尔在一个常规的标准刺激训练。P300波只发生如果主题是积极参与检测目标刺激。其振幅随目标的不。其延迟随难度区分目标与标准刺激。患者的认知能力降低,振幅较小,延迟超过年龄匹配的对照组。 The P300 is comprised of P3a that results from an early attention related process stemming from a working memory representational change, and P3b occurs when the attention-driven stimulus signal is transmitted to temporal and parietal structures. The exact neural origin of P300 wave is not known and its role in cognition is not clearly understood. The P300 wave may have multiple intracerebral generators including hippocampus and various association areas of neocortex. As the relationship between neurotransmitter function and the concomitant neuro electric signals recorded at the scalp are clarified, articulating how these variables interact will fulfil the cognitive promise that the P300 inspired when it was discovered over 40 years ago

Sheshav Somani, Jyostna Shukla说

