雾化治疗是一种有效和高效的方法,通过吸入将药物直接送入肺部。既然药物直接进入肺部,那么药物的起始时间呢?S的作用往往发生得很快。喷雾器用于治疗慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)、哮喘、肺气肿和慢性支气管炎等疾病的症状。此外,它最大限度地降低了药物副作用的风险,防止药物被身体代谢成一种不那么有效的形式。在喷雾器中可以使用几种类型的药物,这取决于喷雾器的使用情况。吸入药物的颗粒尺寸必须小于5微米,药物才能到达肺部的小管。使用喷雾器是一种简单、有益和安全的方法,可以将吸入的药物直接送入肺部。喷雾器可以在家里,或在医院或其他医疗环境中使用。对于那些有肺部疾病的人,治疗可能一天多次或只在病情严重时使用。喷雾器有几种类型,有些可能与某些药物不兼容。 Smart and portable Mush nebulizer are produced for home use and are the least expensive and most popular. Recent Publications 1. John N Pritchard (2018) Mesh nebulizer have become the first choice for new nebulized pharmaceutical drug development. Ther Deliv. 9(2):121???136. 2. Kesser K C and Geller D E (2009) New aerosol delivery devices for cystic fibrosis. Respir Care. 54(6):754???767. I thank the event for giving me an opportunity to speak in front of delegates and many other people from pulmonologists all over the world. I thank everyone for giving good reviews and testimonials for my talk. It was really a great experience for me to attend this two day conference and I enjoyed all the talks at the conference venue and gained lot of knowledge. I am also interested in attending more and more conference of conference series in future. I also suggest young students to attend the conferences organized by conference series to gain knowledge from the talks that speaker’s present. I met colleagues with varying levels of experience in the field of pulmonology.