电机中随机绕线线圈的发热估计是一个挑战:每个槽内的导线数量通常较高,且导线在槽内随机分布。本文提出了一种原始的统计建模方法来评估稳态热盘管的行为。该方法考虑了填充因子,可以使用统计分布来模拟不同的导线排列。线圈截面离散成热电阻网络。每根圆线都与一个节点相关联,并使用组合热电阻连接到其他节点。首先,我们提出了用圆线填充槽的方法,并估计了它们之间的间隙。用一维和二维热阻计算了两根导线之间的平均热阻。我们还计算了该电阻的极值。这两个值都给出了使用概率密度函数模拟随机导线布置的基线。我们解释了如何考虑边界条件并求解该问题。 The 2D slot model version is validated by finite elements analysis and experimental comparisons. According to the experimental results, it was possible to identify the best random distribution of thermal resistances which represents the wire arrangement in slot geometry. Finally, we present how to make a 3D model version and we present a case study of a concentrated winding for a permanent magnet machine.
Mathieu Kirouac, Maxim Bergeron, Jérôme Cros, Philippe Viarouge