ISSN在线(2278 - 8875)打印(2320 - 3765)
在紧急情况下如灾难或任何救援行动在军事战争,需要通信网络。但对于立即沟通,不可能等待要创建一个网络。在这种情况下,移动Ad Hoc网络(MANET)用于创建临时网络。马奈是一个暂时形成网络,这是一个自发形成和自配置网络。这个网络会自动形成一个通信网络通过请求帮助邻近的节点形式。因为马奈正在帮助从邻近节点,没有保证响应节点是一个可信的节点。更精确地说,中间节点不应该改变消息的内容。许多研究已经提供了解决这个问题的形式分配证书可信节点,节点验证签名,验证信息,加密(隐藏消息)等。每个方法本身是最好的,但攻击者成功地猜测消息通过试验和错误的方法。我们的方法提出了一种新的加密技术命名为TIC-TOC-TOE加密,加密数据发送与规定的形状。减少加密,加密数据之前使用数据压缩。 By reducing the redundant data before applying encryption algorithm, encryption time can be reduced. So by using encoding and encryption data can be protected from eavesdropping. Here we are presenting an optimized encoding technique along with the encryption technique. The experimental results show that our proposed method performs better than many existing techniques with respect to compression ratio, encryption and decryption times and the speed of compression. The analysis includes comparison of encryption time and decryption time. For this analysis, we used NS 2.35 in a laptop with 2.4GHz CPU, in which the performance data is collected. This algorithm takes less processing time and it will work faster for encryption and decryption. It is concluded that the proposed algorithm will produce better performance than the other common encrypted algorithms.
Maheswary, Baskar年代