

生物聚合物国会2018:两个不同的路线制备细菌纤维素/壳聚糖膜过滤去除废水中铜- Leire乌尔比纳巴斯克国家大学


废水中铜离子的存在是一个非常严重的问题扩展在电气、皮革、抑菌或纸行业。最近的研究重点是开发壳聚糖(Ch)膜对废水净化过程因为这个生物聚合物包含大量高活性的自由氨基螯合反应的金属阳离子。传统上,戊二醛作为交联的Ch改善膜的化学和机械阻力,但其主要缺点在于毒性,所以其他替代品正在接受调查。在这种背景下,nanocellulose材料也在这一领域引起了人们的关注由于其机械性能和高的比表面积。细菌纤维素(BC),生物聚合物biosynthesized一些细菌,在这个领域提供了新的可能性由于其高度结晶的3 d网络结构构象具有优良的机械性能在潮湿状态。在这工作,环保膜原位和非原位路线基于公元前作为模板为Ch作为功能实体消除铜废水的发展。BC / Ch复合材料被浸泡之前准备非原位biosynthesized BC湿膜在1%和0.6 (v / v) Ch准备在0.5%醋酸在震动条件下的解决方案。BC /补充Ch原位复合材料准备的壳聚糖(添加0.75%和0.50 (w / v) Ch)到公元前培养基用于生物合成。制备路线的影响在组件之间的交互,力学性能、形态、和孔隙结构进行了评估。两种途径导致bionanocomposites不同方面和物理化学性质。 The morphological characterization suggested a better incorporation of Ch into BC matrix through the in situ route. Finally, the cooper removal capacity of these membranes was analyzed and the reusability of the membranes was assessed. With the rapid development of industries, the scarcity of water resources, population growth, pollution of the surface and the groundwater, the toxic wastewater and the diseases that result in the need for increased wastewater. The removal of toxic heavy metal ions from wastewater, especially in industrial and mining waste effluents, has been widely studied in recent years. Heavy metal wastewater is released directly or indirectly into the environment, especially in developing countries. Heavy metals are not biodegradable unlike organic contaminants. Also they tend to accumulate in living organisms. Many heavy metal ions are known to be toxic or carcinogenic. Of particular concern for toxic heavy metals are the industrial wastewater treatment, which includes zinc, copper, mercury, lead and chromium. Exclusive species of Cu (II) ions in freshwater resources and the osmo-regulatory mechanism of aquatic ecosystem damage in freshwater animals. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has set its own allowable limits for industrial effluents at 1.3 mg / L. Copper has been discharged from various industries such as metal cleaning and plating baths, paints and pigments, mining, smelting, petroleum refining, rinses such as brass, fertilizers, laon paste. printed circuits of wood and production. In addition, copper is phytotoxic and has been factored in as an algaecide to control algal blooms. Various processing technologies have been applied Two pathways have led to bionanocomposites with different physical and chemical properties. The mechanical behavior in the wet state, strongly linked to the crystallinity and to the water retention capacity, was found to be very different depending on the preparation route, although the Ch content was very similar: 35 and 37 weights for membranes in situ and ex situ. Morphological characterization suggested better incorporation of Ch into the BC matrix by the in situ route. The copper removal capacity of these membranes was analyzed and the membrane prepared in situ showed the highest values, approximately 50%, for initial concentrations of 50 and 250 mgL -1. In addition, the reusability of the membranes was assessed. Copper is one of the most precious and most used metals in the industry. There are many techniques for treating different types of industrial wastewater contaminated with heavy metals such as copper. Including adsorption, membrane filtration, cementation and electrodialysis, this article majorly focuses on the most advanced wastewater treatment techniques. The review examines the differences between treatment methods in terms of duration and overall effectiveness.

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