



当我们说我们想要永恒的,它永远不会减少皱纹,尽管这将是一个受欢迎的副作用!这是对我们的身体器官衰老和瘙痒和邀请退化性疾病。2型糖尿病和某些癌症的原因被称为生活方式疾病是因为这些最初是退化性疾病,我们能在65岁后如果他年龄在正常情况下。但是现在,自1970年代以来,食品行业正式方便袋装食品和当我们都开始有这些疯狂的,紧张的生活,和整理这些方便食品节省我们的时间和填满我们的胃,老龄化加速的过程中,能量水平大大下降,让我们筋疲力尽,较低的免疫力,加速老化和更高的疾病。这是为什么,2型糖尿病,这被称为晚发型糖尿病在1970年代今天被称为二型糖尿病,疾病分类为一种生活方式。这就是为什么+ 70%癌症的生活方式有关。看看你的周围。你会发现很多人与荷尔蒙的癌症,胃肿瘤、甲状腺癌、口腔癌。所有这些癌症都与我们的生活方式有关,我们将在我们的身体和我们的思想。是的,不仅仅是身体的营养,影响疾病在我们的身体。 The first signs of our body are being ready for disease is fatigue, pain. Unexplained pain and fatigue make us vulnerable to disease. But how many of us stop and think about changing our lifestyle at that stage? Don’t we wait for an alarm signal or a diagnosis? Why? Why can’t we focus on the quality of life that we want, why can’t we want to wake up fresh every day without being shown as food banking over our heads, a fear of death, that will motivate us to eat healthier, exercise and reduce stress levels? Stress itself is the biggest trigger for disease. Research has continuously over the last five years mapped stress to switching on our disease trigger and reduction in stress has shown repair in our DNA and lower disease activity, even in the most chronic diseases including cancer. Thus, if we listen to the unexplained pains and treat them, we are treating the underlying stress which is the cause of the disease. This preventive nutrition treatment can be done in five ways, which I will be discussing in my talk. A combination of these five has clinically shown to reduce pain, inflammation markers, sugar levels in the blood, high cholesterol, triggered weight loss in obese people, and shown a healthier heart for people with heart risk conditions like hypertension and anxiety. Preventive health reduces hospital & insurance costs. But most of all, it increases the quality of life of the person following these 5 principles and living each day with high energy and reduced disease activity, leading to slower ageing process.

Rachna Chhachhi