ISSN: 2347 - 7830
针对Vellayani Kayal的各个方面进行了几项研究;喀拉拉邦Thiruvananthapuram地区南部的一个重要湿地和常年淡水来源。这里在当地被称为Vellayani Kayal (Vellayani湿地或湖泊),位于北纬8°25'35.21"和东经76°59'35.87"。Vellayani Kayal是kalliyouor, venganor和Vizhinjam村村务委员会人民的主要饮用水来源。由于该地区的水稻种植,这对食品安全也很重要。多年来,这片湿地的面积减少了。在季风季节,大量的水流入该湖,水库有适当的泄洪机制保护。关于这一重要湿地的各个方面的研究很少。国家地球科学研究中心(NCESS)曾尝试计算水平衡,该中心现在是印度政府的一个研究机构。本文建议考虑NCESS水平衡结果的灰色地带,重新计算Vellayani Kayal的水平衡。 Although NCESS tried to finalize the water balance equation, the assumptions behind the water loss and gain through inflows remained unidentified. The reassessment and analysis based on the new findings shall possibly provide the details of more accurate water loss and inflows. In the same context, the ambiguity behind the origin/source of this important wetland was also resolved paving way for better management of the lake and this precious water resource of the region. During 2013, as part of the study, the area has been mapped with the help of SoI topo sheets and satellite imageries coupled with very high level ground truth verifications for the sole purpose of augmenting the water supplies in the region. The geologic studies including lineament mapping using Remote sensing techniques were also helpful for identifying the origin and evolution of this important coastal wetland. This has ultimately resolved the issues and made possible to compute a more acceptable water balance.
Sundara Rajan CV, Jesse BF和Praveenkhanna U