ISSN: 2319 - 9865
心脏和血管外科领域日益活跃的活动重新唤起了人们对主动脉弓及其衍生的大血管的发育和成人解剖学的兴趣。主动脉弓是升主动脉的延续,位于上纵隔。头臂干、左颈总动脉和左锁骨下动脉这三条分支通常发源于主动脉弓。头臂干随后分为右颈总动脉和右锁骨下动脉。因此,在马尼帕尔Kasturba医学院解剖系进行了一项研究,以研究主动脉弓的分支模式。40具男女尸体(年龄35-65岁)被纳入研究。暴露胸腔,取肺,清除上腔静脉和头臂静脉,揭开心包,显露升主动脉。切除纤维脂肪组织和神经以澄清主动脉弓的分支。动脉被涂上颜料,晾干,然后拍照。不同的模式被制成表格。 In the present study 85% of the cases showed normal branching pattern, and variations was found in 15% of the cases. The arterial pattern was congregated into four categories based on the frequencies of variations. Prior identification of these vascular anomalies through diagnostic interventions is crucial in order to avoid complications during heart and vascular surgeries.
Mamatha H, Sushma RK, Antony Sylvan Dâ Souza,和Ajith Kumar