ISSN: E 2347 - 226 x, P 2319 - 9857
这个实验旨在确定牛奶产量,每日牛奶摄入量和化学成分的兔子牛奶起初平价的养兔场Ekiti单元州立大学进行教学和研究农场Ado——Ekiti。十八个兔子组成15和3美元被用于这项研究。兔子喂养随意,一只兔子配给含有粗蛋白18.1%,粗纤维13.7%和2.28%的脂肪。5的动物被分为三个部分对牛奶产量数据的集合,每个牛奶摄入量和化学分析。牛奶产量由weigh-suckle-weigh决定方法;每日牛奶摄入量每窝重包的包之前和之后的吮吸和化学分析确定牛奶样品收集手动1日早上8点。7日,14日,21天的泌乳轻轻按摩乳腺在注射催产素。牛奶产量的值记录在本研究460克,755克和930克7日分别为14和21天的哺乳明显不同(p < 0.05)。摄入牛奶产量和包/垃圾增加的数量是成反比的。虽然统计意义(p < 0.05)差异观察每日牛奶生产中每垃圾随着设备数量的增加,类似的显著差异(p < 0.05)每日牛奶摄入量3每窝小猫/垃圾和4和5只小猫被观察到但4和5每窝小猫相似(p > 0.05)。 Dry matter content revealed statistical (p>0.05) similarities between collections on 7th and 21st day and between 14th and 21st day. However, significant (p<0.05) differences were obtained between 1st and the other days and between 7th and 14th day. The ash content though increased from 1.6 % on the 1st day to 2.1 % on the 21st day of lactation revealed no statistical (p>0.05) differences between 1st, 7th, and 14th day of collection but statistical (p<0.05) differences existed between 21st day and other days. The protein and fat contents revealed statistical (p<0.05) differences between collections on 1st day and the other days but days 7, 14 and 21 were similar (p>0.05). The protein content decreased from 13.5 % on the 1st to 10.8 % on the 21st day of lactation. The lactose content in the milk ranged from 1.4–1.9 g 100 g-1 and the energy content between 8.3 MJ Kg-1 and 9.3 MJ Kg-1 during the lactation period. The mineral profile of the milk except potassium, calcium and phosphorus which showed significant (p<0.05) differences among days of lactation were similar (p<0.05). In conclusion, milk yield increased with increased week of lactation and litter size. The macromineral profile of the milk increased as the lactation aged but the micromineral profile was stable. Rabbit milk is low in lactose and high in lipid, protein and energy contents.
Fajemilehin塞缪尔Oladipo Kolawole、Adegun玛丽亚Kikelomo Ogunlade J泰沃和Fagbuaro苍井空星期天