ISSN: 2319 - 9873
多年来,人们提出了许多加固钢筋混凝土梁柱节点(“BCJs”)的方法,例如使用不同材料的夹套。在建筑物中,加固将提供足够的防火性,对建筑平面图的最小改动,以及对环境的最小影响,如灰尘和噪音。基于上述考虑,本研究的目标是制定bcj的强化策略。它包括将于2018年12月完成的实验研究和仍在进行的数值研究。本研究提出采用非对称倒角来增强bcj的节理抗剪能力。倒角安装在梁背,由假天花板隐藏,即不改变建筑平面图。此外,它们可以由非技术工人在一个小时内轻松建造,对需要最小中断服务的医院和消防站特别有吸引力。在试验研究中,对17个BCJ试件在循环变形逐步增加的条件下进行了破坏试验。结构配置以香港常见的典型bcj为基础。试件为2/3比例,包括内bcj、外bcj和柱截面不等的bcj。 It is well demonstrated that, by developing compression chords in chamfers to resist the joint shear force, joint shear strength is increased. Mode of failure is shifted from joint shear failure to flexural failure in columns or beams. Numerical studies have also been carried out using finite element models and micro-truss elements. The former implements WCOMD, a non-linear finite element package for reinforced concrete and the latter is based on a 4-node truss element developed in this study. Performance of BCJs with chamfers is predicted numerically to understand the load transfer mechanism. Parametric studies will be applied to develop simple strut-and-tie model for the design of chamfers.