
榄仁树属的可行性catappa l .水果fhells (TCF)治疗nickel-laden水


2017年11月13 - 15,|拉斯维加斯,美国

高速Barte、当归Borcelis, Ma和基督教Buenviaje


海报和接受抽象:启J垫。Sci >

DOI:10.4172 / 2321 - 6212 c1 - 012


简介:近年来,研究的兴趣已经由于其增加镍工业的意义和有关工业废水越来越多的环境问题。镍(Ni2 +)水体污染导致努力为其去除各种治疗技术的发展。本文的特点和利用榄仁树属catappa l .果壳(TCF)吸附Ni2 +合成废水在不同pH条件。涉及到的实验细节:TCF准备在100⁰C干燥12小时。获得的粉末就渗到149微米,特点是使用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和傅立叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)。批量吸附采用使用25 ppm Ni2 +解决方案,调整pH值2,4,6,8。一个常数120 rpm率维持3个小时。废水被描述使用电感耦合等离子体光发射光谱法(ICPOES)来确定Ni2 +浓度。结果与讨论:红外光谱分析显示存在的理想吸附羟基等网站(3360.44 cm - 1),甲基(2920.20 cm - 1),羧基(1736.27 cm - 1)和芳香族(1649.01 cm - 1)团体TCF表面。SEM图像(图1)在500 x揭示了非齐次粒度分布和纤维性质的TCF贝壳。从图2可以看出,Ni2 +删除增加随着溶液的pH值增加。 At lower pH, the surface charge of TCF is positive due to the excess protons thereby inhibiting the adsorption of Ni (II) ions. The reported increase in removal at pH 8 is due to its decreased solubility and precipitation at pH greater than 7. Conclusions: TCF was found to have a fibrous structure with functional groups suitable as adsorption sites. It has been shown to be effective in the adsorption of Ni(II) in aqueous solution yielding a maximum removal of 77.70% at pH 8, which is attributed to both adsorption and precipitation.