ISSN: 2321 - 6212
ScientificTracks抽象:启J垫。Sci >
DOI:10.4172 / 2321 - 6212 c3 - 020
诱饵太阳耀斑是精力充沛的材料,它能够产生热签名干扰红外制导导弹搜索者。耀斑热特征取决于放热反应的持续时间和强度和燃烧的化学性质的产品。铝的首选金属燃料不同的烟火作品因为其高稳定性和(高热源),而镁其次由于缺乏其运行稳定。铝被广泛应用于广泛应用特别是铝热剂成分和耀斑成分。在这项研究中,不同的诱饵弹配方基于铝/聚四氟乙烯/氟橡胶(ATV)(燃料比例从40:70 wt %)是由造粒和随后的紧迫。发达诱饵弹的光谱性能配方测定喷气发动机喷管的热特征使用(FT-MIR 2 - 6μm)分光光度计。喷气发动机的热特征是具有两个特征峰(2 - 3μm)和βα乐队乐队(3 - 5μm);这个热的签名与黑体发射的喷嘴在690°C。特征强度比Ɵ= Iα/ Iβ= 0.3。发达诱饵耀斑提供类似的热特征但高强度由于炭黑的形成和阿尔夫分别近理想发射器和活跃的红外发射器。 Quantification of these emitting species and combustion temperature was conducted using the ICT thermodynamic code. ATV decoy flare with 50wt % Al offered an increase in the intensity of α band and β by 6 and 1.5 times respectively. The main IR emitting species in this formulation is (AlF) in the combustion flame. The characteristic intensity ratio Ɵ was found to be 0.73. This manuscript would open the route for the development of customized decoy flares with tailored spectral performance. Recent Publications 1. E C Koch, V Weiser, E Roth, and S Knapp (2012) Metal Fluorocarbon Pyrolants. XIII: High Performance Infrared Decoy Flare Compositions Based on MgB2 and Mg2Si and Polytetrafluoroethylene/Viton®. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 37(4):432-438. 2. C D Yarrington, S F Son and T J Foley (2010) Combustion of silicon/teflon/viton and aluminum/teflon/viton energetic composites. Journal of Propulsion and Power 26(4):734-743. 3. D T Osborne (2006) The effects of fuel particle size on the reaction of Al/Teflon mixtures. Texas Tech University Libraries. 4. R W Conner and D D Dlott (2012) Comparing boron and aluminum nanoparticle combustion in Teflon using ultrafast emission spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116(4):2751-2760. 5. S Yoo, D S Stewart, S Choi, D Lambert, M L Elert, W T Buttler, et al. (2012) Modeling kinetics for the reaction of aluminum and teflon and the simulation of its energetic flow motion. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1426(1):351-354.