ISSN: 2319 - 9865
Sulaieva O, Shapochka D, Selezniov O和Turkina Shapochka T
本研究的目的是评估性diffrerences微卫星不稳定频率和结直肠癌临床病理特征(CRC)。177名患者(88名女性和89名男性)CRC进行了微卫星不稳定性(MSI)测试是谁参加这个研究。MSI-H状态中观察到的总体发病率CRC患者为14.7%。MSI的频率明显高于男性(25.35%),与女性(10%)(P = 0.0369)。MSI-H状态是与年轻男性(P = 0.0020)。此外,绝大多数MSI-H肿瘤被发现在近端部分大肠(P < 0.0001)。在大多数情况下,MSI是由于缺乏一种和PMS2表达(64%)。一种缺乏较高的男性而不是女性(70.6%比50%)。相比之下,女性经常证明缺乏MSH2 + MSH6(37.5%比11.8%)。缺乏MSH2和MSH6 extression以及孤立块PMS2表达,与肿瘤级别最高(P < 0.0001)。 In addition to grade, we found association of MSI-H status with some histological types of colorectal carcinoma. In particular, medullary and mucinous carcinoma were tightly associated with MSI (P=0.000767). Interestingly that most of these histological types were found in men in age up to 50 (P=0.0269). Finally, assessment of MSI-H status relation to tumor staging allowed us to find the lower frequency of metastasis in patietns with MSI-H status, comparing with patients with microsatellite stable tumors regardless of sex.