ISSN: 2321 - 6212
ScientificTracks抽象:启J垫。Sci >
DOI:10.4172 / 2321 - 6212 c8 - 035
美国、日本、韩国、欧盟和世界其他地区的发现自己完全依赖中国稀土资源。中国全球稀土垄断各级主导,从资源生产、冶金、新应用、新专利申请。与中国主导的生产和内部消费至少85%的附加值稀土材料,在政治上饱和环境材料科学和技术经济的领导下,未来将继续引领世界材料科学的发展。非中国国家对稀土相关的材料科学发展的贡献将会收缩在中国的后视镜。非竞争的努力生产稀土资源大多以悲剧告终。资源(如稀土氧化物没有有意义的技术和国防应用。中国在资源主导世界,氧化和post-oxide材料生产。中国已经利用其多层次的垄断捕捉世界的稀土科技和产业的依赖。这是一个很大的问题,因为材料科学的进步很大程度上是由竞争来刺激经济的一个充满活力的科技行业。今天世界上大多数先进的稀土技术应用在中国发生。 How does the non-Chinese world compete with this state sponsored juggernaut? The current administration is considering the establishment of a multinational rare earth resource and value chain that could act as a modern Bell Laboratory for its non-Chinese members. The proposal calls for a privately owned and operated facility that would act as a cooperative for all of its owner/end-users: diverse technology companies from around the world. The cooperative would utilize rare earth resources that are currently mined, but disposed of to avoid the 1980 NRC & IAEA regulations which helped create China’s monopoly and would be impervious to Chinese price manipulation.