ISSN: 2319 - 9865
巨大的增长已经达到多年来医学各领域。新的和先进的方法已经和正在取得的改善妇女的健康以及人类作为一个整体的健康。然而,并非所有的问题需要技术解决方案。妇女的健康作为一个整体是由各种因素包括;社会、经济、精神和政治因素。在大多数的特权社区越少,意识仍是个问题。尽管智能手机访问和使用的增加,人们仍不充分了解基础和基本卫生保健需求和可用的服务。这呼吁更有力和深度最深的基本卫生保健信息传播社区通过其他方式例如村卫生谈判,使用社区扬声器,电台健康会谈,在接触卫生工作者。雷竞技网页版此外,错误的信息传递正确的信息,少或不合格的卫生人员特别是在私人诊所位于农村地区仍是一个问题。这强烈呼吁政府加强现有规定在他们国家在医疗实践。 This will help to reduce myths and misconceptions on different women’s health care needs and services available. Furthermore, cultural practices also majorly contribute to the setbacks on our progress in improving women’s health. Traditions like men not escorting their wives in seeking health care services is one of the many. In most rural communities, wives need consent from their husbands to make some health care service decisions for example family planning. This causes another delay on top of the already existing delays hence slowing the use of the available health care services. In conclusion, different factors greatly affect the progress and implementation of global developments and thus, should be worked upon for a faster and easier improvement in women’s health.