ISSN: 2321 - 6212
Paul Leifeh Njuabeh
DOI:10.4172 / 2321 - 6212 c10 - 041
本文以西非喀麦隆西北地区Ngoketunjia分区Ngoketunjia边坡为研究对象,对Ngoketunjia分区边坡稳定性的土壤地震成像进行了研究。随后,确定了恩哥克屯家真实滑坡的失效概率。这个分区最有价值的基础设施资产沿着这些斜坡的脚下排列,伴随着习惯性的人类活动和定居,而这些斜坡的稳定性的发现尚未确定。根据这些重点,我们可能会说,材料性能和人类生命都可能暴露在斜坡不稳定的风险中。在本文中,我们描述了如何获取最先进的三维地震数据,分析,解释,与其他数据集成,然后用于改进边坡的地理设计和确定其稳定性。主要成像目标是厚度约为100英尺(30米)的非均质粉砂岩和细粒砂岩序列,由厚度为3至6英尺(1至2米)的薄叶状沉积物组成的复杂组合。辅助数据来自于2003年Upper名词谷发展局在大约6600英尺(2000米)深处进行的一项研究。对边坡进行了地理调查,然后对边坡地层中采集的土壤样品进行了三次土壤测试(鉴定、特征和孔隙度)。考察了边坡倾角、土体内摩擦角、水平地震荷载、筒仓黏聚力和堆载荷载等参数的影响。通过对结果的分析,发现水平地震力对斜坡土的稳定性影响很大。 We show by the careful consideration that, given the prevailing climatic changes that keep increasing the water table content of the slope year by year, thereby increasing the porosity of the soils may lead to the failure of the slope. Secondly, the habitual human activities like excavations and construction, which keeps increasing the load sustained by the slope have led to a drastic increase in the driving forces along the different sections of the slope and consequently the factor of safety. Mitigation measures like bio-restoration, drainage systems, retaining walls, rock bolting were advised to the municipality of Ndop Central Sub Division. The cost of carrying out the study, lack of potable or mobile equipment to use during the study and the unavailability of related publications were some of the limitations to the study and we are proposing that further research works should take into consideration these limitations in other to address major global concerns in this area of study.
Paul leieh Njuabeh,现年28岁,毕业于巴门达大学,拥有管理学高级工商管理硕士学位和凝聚态物理硕士学位。他在喀麦隆公共合同部任职,担任喀麦隆Ngoketunjia省基础设施合同局局长。在加入公共合同部之前,他曾在喀麦隆教育部担任讲师和统计学家。