主题:启J垫。Sci >
DOI:10.4172 / 2321 - 6212 c6 - 028
介绍了原始纳米结构的研究结果——多层系统的磁nanoislands(芬尼酒/ Co) N型。金属nanoislands早些时候,我们发现光电导性在宽光谱范围内(0.4 - -1.5μm),电导率异常等。这是还发现,在室温下这些系统可以检测不到10-11T superweak磁场H。高灵敏度的物理原因并不完全了解,但很明显,他们由于不同寻常的岛系统的物理特性。金属nanoisland层与给定有效厚度被射频溅射生长。金属薄膜,渗流阈值被发现- d *(芬尼酒和公司电影d * ~ 1.8海里)。电影为维
d * -连续的。Nanoisland持平煎饼的圆形形状的横向维度3-30 nm,及其有效厚度从0.4变化到7.0纳米。磁化过程进行了室温下的磁光克尔效应(驴)。在结构(芬尼酒/ Co) N (N变化从10到40),观察单向磁各向异性,而不是与著名的交换各向异性(磁滞回路没有交换转变)。建议相关的检测到单向各向异性是出现在一个不寻常的supervortical磁化的结构。在这种情况下,涡并不是集中在单独的nanoislands,但分布在一个特定的设置。微磁模拟证实的可能性的存在supervortical磁化的岛状结构。间接确认存在的这种不寻常的supervortical磁化是一个研究的结果的磁化nanoislands层鱿鱼磁强计。supervortical磁化的存在导致岛结构的手性,导致出现的异常光学nonreciprocity。在这个报告中我们将讨论光学nonreciprocity的出现的可能原因。 However, the high sensitivity of island structures to superweak magnetic fields, apparently, is not related to supervortex magnetization. For this reason magnetization processes and magnetoresistance in special structures - bilayers [(FeNi/Co)-Al2O3]N were investigated. A region with specific magnetization in FeNi nanoislands in a weak magnetic field is appeared. In those regions of FeNi islands the rotation of the magnetization vector is occurred. Those regions we call a flat (two dimensions) spin springs. When the current flows through this region, additional scattering of the electron spins takes place and an additional negative magnetoresistance occurs. We believe that these spin springs can cause high sensitivity of island structures to weak magnetic fields. Recent Publications 1. Boltaev A P, Pudonin F A, Sherstnev I A and Egorov D A (2017) Detection of the metal-insulator transition in disordered systems of magnetic nanoislands. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 125(3):465-468. 2. Boltaev A P, N A Penin, A O Pogosov and Pudonin F A (2003) Detection of photoconductivity in hyperfine metal films in the visible and infrared spectral regions. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 96(5):940-944. 3. Boltaev A P and Pudonin F A (2006) Effect of weak electric fields on the conduction in thin metal films. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 103(3):436-440. 4. Boltaev A P, Pudonin F A, Sherstnev I A et al. (2017) Flat magnetic exchange springs as mechanism for additional magnetoresistance in magnetic nanoisland arrays. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 428:132-135. 5. Boltaev A P, Pudonin F A and Sherstnev I A (2011) Specific features of the magnetoresistance in multilayer systems of magnetic nanoislands in weak magnetic fields. Physics of the Solid State 53(5):950.